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Pros and Cons of Wall Mounted Faucets

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Pros and Cons of Wall Mounted Faucets

pros and cons of wall mounted faucets

The wall mounted faucet is a faucet directly installed on the wall, rather than a countertop-mounted faucet installed on the sink or bathtub countertop or countertop. Wall mounted faucets are a real space-saving product, but there are also many problems with wall mounted faucet. This post lists the pros and cons of wall mounted faucets from various aspects.

Pros of wall mounted faucets

Easy to clean

Over time, faucets installed on decks or sinks tend to accumulate a lot of water stains and dirt. Cleaning every corner and crevice of the faucet installed on the sink can be annoying and time-consuming. With wall-mounted faucets, you can avoid this problem perfectly and you don’t need to deal with any hardware obstacles that prevent you from entering areas that require additional cleaning.

Save space

If the faucet is installed on the wall, the extra space for installing the faucet can be saved, and the bathroom or kitchen counter suddenly becomes more spacious. If you have a lot of clutter in your kitchen or bathroom, wall-mounted faucets are definitely worth your choice. With wall-mounted faucets, you will not have too many clutter to disturb your kitchen or bathroom aesthetics.


Cons of wall mounted faucets

Hard to install

This is one of problems with wall mounted faucets that cannot ignore. For deck-mounted faucets, the holes are already built into the bathtub or wall shelf, so installation is relatively simple. For wall mounted faucets, you must cut one or more holes in the wall. This makes installation a more complicated and invasive process. If your walls are covered with tiles, it will become more difficult to install a wall-mounted faucet.

Easy to splash

This is one of the common complaints of wall-mounted faucets. The wall-mounted faucet needs to be positioned at the correct height and depth, and adjusted its angle to limit water splashing. However, this project requires a skilled plumber to complete.

More expensive

Due to its unique design and appearance, under the same quality, wall-mounted faucets will be more expensive than ordinary countertop/counter-mounted faucets. Not only that, the installation of wall-mounted faucets also requires some additional costs, so when you consider wall-mounted faucets, the price is a factor that cannot be ignored.

Last verdict on pros and cons of wall mounted faucets

If you like a unique and luxurious appearance and neat countertops, then you can choose a wall-mounted faucet. But you need to consider the difficulty of installation and high price of wall-mounted faucets. In any case, when considering a wall-mounted faucet, you need to analyze it from various aspects and choose the faucet that suits you most.

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