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Sink Drain Hole is Too Small? How to Make Sink Faucet Hole Bigger

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Sink Drain Hole is Too Small? How to Make Sink Faucet Hole Bigger

how to make sink faucet hole bigger

Bought a new faucet for your kitchen but the sink hole is too small? You must be confused about what to do now. The easiest solution is to make your sink faucet hole bigger. To make your sink faucet hole bigger, mark the section you need to cut. This will be your first job. Then use a rotary tool or Dremel or angle grinder to cut the holes. It depends on what material your sink is made of.

But whether your sink is made of stainless steel or porcelain, we have a solution for them. Without further ado, let’s get started.

How to make a porcelain sink hole bigger

porcelain sink

For procelain sink, you can use one of two methods to make the hole in a porcelain sink wider. You can either use a grinder to remove the china, or use a diamond hole saw to cut out a new hole. A hole saw is definitely faster, but it’s more risky because it generates more heat. No matter how you do the job, you have to do something to keep the procelain cool so it doesn’t crack.

Set up a water station

A simple setup requires a 1-liter plastic soda or water bottle, which you can hang from the sink with a string or wire. Use an eighth-inch or narrower drill to drill two or three holes in the bottom of the bottle, then tape the holes to the holes and fill the bottle with water. Hang the bottle over the sink, place a bucket under the sink drain and position the bottle so that when you remove the tape, the water runs over the area you’re cutting and you’re ready to go.

Cut with a hole saw

You actually need two hole saws to accurately enlarge the hole in the sink. The first is a wood cutting hole saw with the same diameter as the existing hole, usually 1 1/4 inches, and the other is a diamond sanding hole saw with the diameter you want the new hole to be, which can be 1 such as 1/2 inches. Each hole saw has its own pilot bit that you insert into the bit along with the saw. Always wear safety goggles when using a hole saw (or any other type of saw).

Use a wood-cutting hole saw to cut the disc out of a 3/4″ piece of scrap plywood or cork lumber, then insert the disc into the sink opening and make sure it fits snugly. You may need to wrap tape around the perimeter to keep it securely in place. Now insert the pilot bit of the diamond grit saw into the hole made by the pilot bit of the wood cutting saw, pull the tape off the bottle to start the water flow and start cutting the china.

The purpose of the wood insert is to keep the hole saw centered when cutting the china, so if it starts to rotate with the saw it’s not a problem as long as it stays in the hole. Run the drill at a low speed to avoid putting extra pressure on the saw while cutting. You may need to stop and refill the water bottle once or twice during the process.

Widen with a grinder

A slower and less accurate way to widen a ceramic sink hole is to use a rotary tool with an abrasive attachment. This method also generates a lot of heat, so you’ll still need a water bottle to spray the china while you work, and don’t forget to wear goggles. Run the rotary tool at about half speed and move the tool around the existing hole at an even speed to make sure you widen it symmetrically.

How to make a stainless steel sink hole bigger

stainless steel sink

Mark with nails

Using any size nails, make a small sod exactly where you want to place the tip of the drill. This indentation should be positioned directly in the middle of the hole.

Lubricate your drill

Use lube to make sure your drill is lubricated to the max. Drilling into stainless steel creates heat and friction, and sometimes sparks when using metal drills. Lubricating the drill bit creates a barrier that makes drilling smoother and reduces friction.

 Drill the holes

Start with the lowest setting and start drilling slowly and quickly. Going slowly and steadily will give you more control over the hole you are drilling. Work outwards using slow circular motions.

Sand and smooth

Once the hole is the size you want, take the fine-grit sandpaper and smooth out rough spots. Too rough or sharp edges can be a safety hazard when installing drains. Sharp edges can also damage or damage the drain assembly itself. Remember that stainless steel is very hard, so sharp edges can cause a lot of damage.

Summary of how to make sink faucet hole bigger

It can be tricky to make a larger hole in a porcelain sink or stainless steel sink, but with patience and care you can do it. The key to success is knowing the materials you are using and how perfectly you are using them. You can also watch the video below to learn more about how to make sink faucet hole bigger.

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