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How to Make A Hole in A Stainless Steel Sink

ClassificationFaucet Guide 20210 0

how to make a hole in a stainless steel sink

It’s difficult to drill a hole in stainless steel objects like a sink but obviously not difficult when you have instruments available with you.

Today’s stainless steel sinks are well-known and can be seen everywhere because of their many popular features such as corrosion resistance, easy handling, easy use, easy cleaning, and superior to marble or stone sinks.

For example, if we want to install a faucet or soap dispenser in a sink, we have to drill or puncture a stainless steel sink by drilling, it will be easy if you know the correct process and have the necessary tools.

Process of making holes in stainless steel sinks

Without using tools you cannnot drill, so the following tools are required.

  • Drill
  • Lubrucant-some 3 in 1 oil or similar
  • Hammer
  • A “brand new standard size 3/8” Bi-metal hole cutter (Some Faucet/Vales require a 1.5 hole)
  • A small wooden block may be required sometime
  • Centre punch or nail
  • A Marker (sharpie or similar)
  • An old rag
  • Safety glasses
  • Measuring tape
  • A small file o emery cloth

You might need to drill holes for faucets or for mounting undermount sinks. Try to stay away from this hassle. The best thing would be to get the best undermount kitchen sink. These will be much easier to install.

Step 1: Mark the area for drilling

Firstly, find out the spot for drilling and confirm it because after drilling not possible to close that hole. Make sure two things potential damages under the sink and distance from pipes as it is highly required to complete it perfectly.

In a different way, you can use a measuring tape tp measure the distance from the sink to that particular place and do marking and then do hole.

Step 2: Indentation

The second ipmortant step is indentation in which you can mark the area using a small nail on the sink. It is done to stop the rotation of the drill bit when drilling on the surface of the sink.

Step 3: Lubricate the drill bit

In order to extend the life of the drill bit, improve performance and stop vibration, lubrication is required.

Step 4: Wear protective glasses to protect your eyes

Always wear protective equipment such as goggles when drilling. The rotating drill bit during drilling work may enter your eyes and damage your eyes.

Step 5: Start drilling

Now select the drill bit by measurement and make sure that the hole is drilled only at a specific point. Now keep the drill in a vertical position and start at low speed. When you find that you have punctured the surface of the sink, stop drilling, replace the 1/4-inch bit with a 1/2-inch bit, and continue drilling into the sink surface. In this way, the drilling is completed.

Step 6: Remove sharp edges

Your drilling work here is actually not finished, because the surface is still not smooth. Now sand the rough surface or edge with emery cloth. Be careful when doing all these tasks, as this will also damage your hands, so try to use puncture-resistant or cut-resistant gloves to protect your hands.

Final words

In tihs way, drilling is complete in a stainless steel sink. For more holes, follow the same process.

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