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How to Keep Brushed Nickel Faucets from Spotting

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How to Keep Brushed Nickel Faucets from Spotting

how to keep brushed nickel faucets from spotting

The brushed nickel fixture has a matte surface, which can give your bathroom a more modern look. However, one of the biggest disadvantage of these fixtures is that they are easily damaged, so you need to clean them much carefully. So how to clean brushed nickel fixtures and keep them from spotting? We have researched this issue for you and provided instructions on how to clean brushed nickel fixtures in this article.

Things You Will Need

Steps of how to keep brushed nickel faucets from spotting

How to keep brushed nickel faucets from spotting? To remove slight dirt on brushed nickel, moisten a soft cloth with clean water and wipe the surface. If you do this every day, it will remove dirt before it accumulates on the surface. Another way to clean light dirt on brushed nickel is to use glass cleaner. Just make sure that the glass cleaner does not contain ammonia or alcohol.

To remove hard water stains, spray a soft cloth with a solution containing equal amounts of water and white vinegar. Whenever you clean brushed nickel bathroom fixtures, you need to make sure to rinse the surface thoroughly. After rinsing the brushed nickel with a clean damp cloth, wipe the surface with a soft dry cloth.

Due to regular cleaning and daily use, you should also wax your brushed nickel bathroom fixtures every few weeks, as waxing will restore its luster. Use a soft dry cloth to apply a layer of wax paste, and then apply it to the brushed nickel surface in small circular motions. After applying the paste wax to the fixture, polish the nickel with a soft dry cloth.

Tips & Warning

  • Spray the fixtures with a solution of half white vinegar and half water to clean hard-water stains. Rinse very well afterward.
  • For best results, look for carnauba wax in the paste wax ingredients.
  • Do not use glass or hard-surface cleaners that contain alcohol or ammonia to clean brushed nickel.
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