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Concrete + Red Brick, Naturally Compatible with Decorous and Elegance | LINDO

ClassificationInterior design 15943 0

Interior Design Alliance

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LINDO is a renovation of an old warehouse, retaining the age-old red brick walls and mansard roof elements. In the interior, elements of clear concrete, glass and steel are added to highlight the natural charm.

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The beauty of red brick. The beauty of red brick is that it is unpretentious and unadorned.

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The unique sense of texture of the concrete, its dull color, naturally formed holes, delicate and smooth, mottled rough, has an inherent primitive beauty.

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The most simple concrete staircase, embedded with geometric lighting lines, is like walking on a ladder, making the whole space more tangible in the invisible, creating a calm, natural style.

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It, without pretense, is only exposed; without coolness, it is only pure. The collision of the exposed red brick, original concrete and delicate craftsmanship reveals a natural heaviness and elegance, giving the space an ultimate sense of purity.

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Bringing inspiration to space and life

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