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Cleaning method for faucet clogging

ClassificationFaucet Guide 17971




First, vinegar cleaning.

  1. Pour the vinegar into the prepared cup, don’t use too much, then place the cotton balls in the cup and soak all of them, keeping the cup for 5 minutes.
  2. Remove the cotton balls from the cup and insert them into the faucet spout for cleaning. Remember to leave a little bit of the cotton ball or it won’t come out easily, it will come out in about fifteen minutes.
  3. Remove the cotton ball so you can clearly see the dirt on it, soak a clean cloth in vinegar for two to three minutes, then wipe the faucet with a rag.

The water from the faucet comes from the water. The water from the faucet comes from the water. Water from the faucet comes from the water. The downside of tap water is that over time it can form a sediment that can clog the faucet and have a negative impact on your home. Vinegar can solve such a problem without spending too much money on replacing the faucet. Turn on the faucet. At this point, you can see if the faucet is working properly. If not, clean it again using the above method.


Second, clean the filter.

The second thing for faucet clog cleaning is filter cleaning. The talk is to prevent splashing during faucet use, but the filter not only prevents splashing, it also absorbs a lot of dirt. When the faucet is clogged, you need to clean the filter.

  1. Tool preparation, in the faucet clogged cleaning tips, tools must be prepared in advance, cleaning the filter need to prepare some sewing needles or paper clips, if you do not have such a thing, you can use toothpicks instead, of course, knives and air blowing is a must prepare.
  2. Test, gently remove the filter head from the faucet, turn the faucet on and see if the water flow is still low. If it’s not the filter, if the water flow is still small after removing the filter, then it’s not the filter’s problem. Now, you need to check it all at once.
  3. Remove the filter from the filter head with your fingertips. It is important to note that the fingertips should not be too strong during the collection process to avoid damaging the filter.
  4. The strainer should usually have two layers. Use a prepared sewing needle and a knife to take the white filter along the edge of the strainer. The force should not be too strong when taking it out. Do not make the white metal ring uneven or deformed Use a paper clip or toothpick to remove the inner parts of the filter one by one. Be careful not to damage the internal parts when taking out the filter.
  5. Blow air through the filter, and use a toothpick to clean the dirt inside the filter one by one. When finished, rinse with water. 6.
  6. Put the filter back together in the same order you disassembled it earlier.

Among the great tips for cleaning a clogged faucet, the filter is very simple to clean, but you must be extra careful because a little sloppiness can damage the filter.


Third, use of detergent

The last trick to cleaning a clogged faucet is to clean it with detergent. Normally, the faucet in your home should be cleaned once every three months. When cleaning a faucet stain, you need to use a neutral detergent on its surface. Wipe it off with a clean, soft cloth. Use a toothbrush or a small brush with detergent for deep cleaning. Remember to use only neutral detergent, otherwise the shine of the faucet’s surface will be ruined.

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