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2020 US Bathroom Trends Report: Smart Toilets, Sensor Faucets, And Custom Bathroom Cabinets Are Going To Be Popular!

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HOUZZ, a U.S. home services website, releases an annual study of U.S. bathroom trends, and the 2020 edition of the report has finally been released. This year, HOUZZ surveyed 1,594 U.S. homeowners who had just renovated their bathrooms in the past year about which products they chose and what changes they made when they did so. The results can be summarized as follows: Rest and Recreation, High-Tech, Lighting Features, Accent Wall, Modern Mix, and more.

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– Bathroom Products –

▌Conversion Of Baths To Showers

A growing number of American homeowners view the bathroom as a place to relax, with 41% of the 1,594 homeowners surveyed saying that they rest and relax in the bathroom. The main ways to relax are soaking and showering, with 55 percent of respondents saying soaking in a bathtub helps them relax.

While the relaxation function of bathtubs is recognized, more than 50 percent of respondents who renovated their bathrooms this year still did not use their bathtubs, and 23 percent even said they had removed them. And of those respondents who chose to remove their bathtubs, four-fifths chose to switch to a shower instead, with 54 percent reporting increasing the size of their showerhead, up from changing their bathroom layout (45 percent) and increasing the size of their bathroom (20 percent).

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▌More People Are Opting For Custom Bathroom Cabinets

Among those who chose to replace their bathroom cabinets, 36% chose custom bathroom cabinets and another 21% chose semi-custom bathroom cabinets, reflecting the fact that custom bathroom cabinets are also beginning to penetrate the U.S. market, while 28% chose bathroom cabinets with more storage space. In terms of bathroom cabinet style, 56% of respondents preferred built-in bathroom cabinets, followed by freestanding (28%) and wall-mounted (15%), with the number of respondents choosing wall-mounted products increasing by 4 percentage points.

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▌Smart Toilets Were More Popular.

This year, 17 percent of U.S. homeowners who chose to switch to a toilet with a nozzle, up 5 percentage points from last year; 14 percent and 13 percent of respondents, respectively, chose toilets with self-cleaning features and heated seats, which are also equipped with smart toilets. In addition, anti-splash, built-in night light, automatic lid flip, automatic deodorization and other features also attracted attention.



▌Basin Demand Is Consistent With Last Year

The popularity of the various features of the basin was essentially unchanged from last year, with the largest number of U.S. homeowners choosing to replace their basin with an undermount (65%), followed by recessed (17%) and countertop (9%) basins. In addition, 68% also chose to use a double basin, which is about the same percentage as the previous two years.

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▌Water Saving, Sensor Faucets Are Of Great Concern

Eighty-seven percent of all respondents replaced their faucets. Of those who replaced their faucets, 48 percent of homeowners had at least one new faucet with a high-tech feature. Among them, 28% of respondents’ new faucets have water-saving features, 4 percentage points less than last year; 16% of owners of new faucets do not stick fingers; 5% of the new faucets can be touch-free, this number increased by 2 percentage points over last year, showing that sensor faucets are increasingly popular.


▌LED Lights, Fogging Into The Bath Mirror Preferred Features

For mirrors, 20 percent opted for products with LED lighting, six percentage points higher than in the past year, and there was also some demand for defogging, with 14 percent opting for products with this feature.


– Bathroom Space –

▌Tile Is Still The Mainstream Of The Shower Area

Around the refurbishment of shower walls and floors, the largest number of people chose tile products, with 70% choosing tile for walls, an increase of 4 percentage points year on year. Both the walls and the floor, more than 10% of people choose marble, but the choice of marble for the floor decreased by 5 percentage points, reflecting the growing number of people consider bathroom safety issues.

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▌Non-Shower Areas Began To Popular Decorative Walls

In non-shower areas of the bathroom, more people chose to replace tiles with a more decorative product than in the shower area, with 77% of respondents choosing these products, much higher than the 26% who chose tiles. However, in non-shower areas of the floor, the largest number of people (59%) still choose to use tile products.

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▌Prevailing Modern Style

This year, 20 percent of respondents said they would choose a contemporary style for their bathroom, the same number as in 2019 and 5 percentage points higher than in 2018, showing that modern style remains the dominant style in American bathroom design. This compares with 18 percent of homeowners choosing Transitional, down 3 percentage points from 2019, while the number of people choosing Contemporary, Traditional and Pastoral are all more stable and up from last year.

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▌White Remains Dominant.

In terms of colour, white remains the dominant colour, with more people choosing white as the main colour for bathroom cabinets, countertops, shower walls and general walls. On countertops, more than 51% of respondents chose white, ahead of color (15%), gray (14%) and beige (9%), with the number of respondents who chose color dropping by 4 percentage points.

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▌8 Out Of 10 Respondents Chose To Change Their Bathroom Lighting.

This year, 8 out of 10 respondents chose to update their bathroom lighting. Among them, the largest selection of wall-mounted lamps (58%) and recessed lighting (55%), followed by shower lights (32%), fan lights (25%), mirror lights (17%), of which the selection of mirror lights increased by 4 percentage points over last year, worthy of attention of bathroom cabinets and bath mirror manufacturers.

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– Other Points –

1, The average cost of a bathroom renovation for U.S. homeowners is $8,000, about RMB 53,000.

2, Before renovating the bathroom, 69% of respondents said they were already dissatisfied with the old bathroom, up from 59% in 2019.

3, U.S. homeowners’ biggest complaints about their bathrooms are about insufficient storage space (34%), too little shower space (34%), insufficient lighting (29%) and limited counter space (25%).

4, 59% of respondents said they would relax in the bathroom, an increase of 4 percentage points from last year.

5, About three-quarters of respondents have two or more mirrors in their master bathroom.

6, Four-fifths of respondents would hire a professional to help renovate their bathroom, with renovators having the highest participation rate at 43 percent, followed by bathroom fitters (20 percent) and bathroom designers (12 percent).

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