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2 Steps to Teach You to Choose A Lead Free Faucet

ClassificationFaucet Guide 18103

2 Steps to Teach You to Choose A Lead Free Faucet

how to choose a lead free faucet

1. Can it be used in the long term?

The quality of the spool can be judged by its ability to withstand a long-term drip-free test, which is a test of the life of the spool. In the testing standards for faucets, it is clearly stated that the drip-free test of the switch requires not less than 200,000 switches. In addition to judging quality from this test indicator, it can also be evaluated from the senses. Up, down, left and right turning the handle, the light and unobstructed feeling indicates good quality.

At present, ceramic valve core is the most suitable valve core material and is widely used by many faucet manufacturers. It is the most cost-effective, because it is easy to take materials, and wear-resistant, hot and cold temperature can be adapted for a long time.

2. Is it inconvenient to use?

Faucets are not easy to use and really affect the quality of life. In the past, the faucet only supplied cold water. Every winter, washing dishes and dishes became a torturous job. Later, we all opted for the hot and cold mode. Now, we can have more choices and provide more convenience in life.

Faucets contain too much lead, which is harmful to people’s health. After all, water is used every day through the faucet. Therefore, you need to be careful with the selection and use of furniture faucets. Usually, you should always clean and replace the faucet.

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