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140 Square Meters Of Italian-Style Private Residence, Minimalism Makes The Space More Distinct | Xu Zhenhai Design

ClassificationInterior design 14321 0

Xu Zhenhai Design Interior Design Alliance

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Italian, seeking inner peace and space to get along, in the simplicity of it all!

The minimalist white and curry makes the space distinct and gives more imagination to the future home, and the space emphasizes the aesthetics of storage.

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Serene dining room

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Light and shadows languidly spill through the blinds and into the dining room, and the day begins with the morning sun.

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Upon entering the home, sensor light greets the hard day.

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This is the first time that I’m going to use this space.

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▲Floor Plan


Project Information

Project Name: Xindu City-Residential

Project Location: Minhang – Shanghai

Type Of Project: Private Residence

Project Area: 140 Square Meters

Interior Design: Xu Zhenhai Design

Creative Designer:Zhen Hai Xu

Creative Team:Lin Yue Qiu

Soft Furnishing Unit:Tan Hing Soft Furnishing

Project Photography By Nwan Architecture Photography

Completion Date: 2020.08


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Designer: Xu Zhenhai


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