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120 Sq.Ft. Duplex Can Also Have A Very Artistic Spiral Staircase | Ermu Construction

ClassificationInterior design 12498 0

Interior Design Alliance

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The original layout was overturned and the staircase was boldly placed in the middle, becoming a link between the space and a work of art.

The curves of the stairs soften the hard lines of the space, but the home also needs warmth and a sense of art.

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Large mirror in large cloakroom for beautiful and photogenic girls

Who wouldn’t love to fulfill the function of storage while living with rituals?

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Knock down the wall of the first floor room and turn it into a dining room and western kitchen.

A more interactive space for eating and watching TV

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The best location on the second floor gives the study some more communication and buffering space

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Floor Layout Of The First Floor

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The Second Floor Plan

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Project information

Project Address: Yonglongfu, Jianfa, Hefei, China

Project area: 120m2

Design Agency: Niki Construction

Design Director: Seven

Designed by Yang Ming

Project Photo: River Impression

Main Material Kit: Bookish Flooring, Mango Tile.

Codding Wood Trim, Illumination, Koloburger House Customization

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